Trinity 產品公告:
Trinity 4.0 版本 EoL/EoS –
Trinity 4.0 EoL/EoS Announcement
Trinity 4.0 版本終止服務日期 (EoL / EoS) 訂於 2022年 12 月 31 日。
- EoL (End of Life) date:是指該系列產品(即Trinity v4.0系列) 的新版本(new version)或新功能(new feature) 的開發生命週期終止日期。
- EoS (End of Service) date:是指該系列產品(即Trinity v4.0系列) 的最終版本(Trinity v4.0.30.x) 做錯誤修正 (bug fix)、使用介面修正的期終止服務日期。
- 現有舊客戶購買全新 Trinity v4.1 版系列產品計劃,請聯絡您原始購買產品的Trinity業務代表洽談「舊客戶優惠方案」。
經過 7 年後,Trinity v4.0將於在 2022 年 12 月 31 日停止支援。未來將不再發行 Trinity v4.0系統的安全性更新或提供技術支援。客戶和合作夥伴務必移轉至新型Trinity版本系統,像是 Trinity v4.1。移轉至新版本的客戶將獲益於大幅提升的安全性、更廣泛的裝置選擇、更高的使用者生產力,以及透過改良的管理功能降低總擁有成本。
這表示,您應該採取行動。在 2022 年 12 月 31 日之後,NetPro 將不再針對 Trinity v4.0 提供安全性更新或技術支援。安全性更新負責修補可能遭到惡意程式碼入侵的弱點,並且協助保護使用者和資料的安全。執行 Trinity v4.0 的電腦在 2022 年 12 月 31 日之後不應視為仍受到保護,因此您提前規劃移轉至目前支援的Trinity版本 – 像是 Trinity v4.1 – 如此才能定期收到安全性更新,以保護電腦避免遭受惡意攻擊。
如何自 Trinity v4.0 移轉?
本公司提供技術支援、工具和專業指導,讓 Trinity 移轉工作更加順利。請連絡您的 Trinity 銷售代表,深入了解移轉和部署方案。
NetPro products Trinity v4.0 series version announcement:
End of Life/Service (EoL/EoS) supports will be discontinued on December, 31st, 2022 and services will be discontinued on December, 31st, 2022.
End of Life/Service (EoL/EoS) supports will be discontinued on December, 31st, 2022 and services will be discontinued on December, 31st, 2022.
- EoL (End of Life) date refers to the end of the development lifecycle of a new version or new feature of the series (i.e. Trinity v4.0 series).
- EoS (End of Service) date: refers to the final version (Trinity v4.0.30.x) of the series (i.e. Trinity v4.0 series) bug fixes, using the interface to modify the date of termination of service.
- Existing customers purchase the new Trinity v4.1 series product plan: Please contact your original sales representative to discuss the “old customer discount program“.
What is end of support?
After 7 years, support for Trinity v4.0 will be ended on December 31st, 2022. There will be no more security updates or technical support for the Trinity v4.0. It is very important that customers and partners migrate to a modern version such as Trinity v4.1. Customers moving to a modern version will benefit from dramatically enhanced security, higher user productivity, and a lower total cost of ownership through improved management capabilities.
What does this mean?
It means you should take action. After December, 31st, 2022, NetPro will no longer provide security updates or technical support for Trinity v4.0. Security updates patch vulnerabilities that may be exploited by malware and help keep users and their data safer. All platform running Trinity v4.0 after December, 31st, 2022, should not be considered to be protected, and it is important that you migrate to a current supported version of Trinity – such as Trinity v4.1 – so you can receive regular security updates to protect their computer from malicious attacks.
How do I migrate off Trinity v4.0?
NetPro offers our customers in-depth technical resources, tools, and expert guidance to ease the deployment and management of Trinity products and technologies. Learn more about migration and deployment programs by contacting your NetPro sales representative, NetPro Services or your Certified NetPro Partner. For more information, please visit the Trinity official website.